
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chris Robinson's Reflux Remedy Revolution

Finally, the "missing pieces" of the digestive health puzzle. Chris Robinson's personal story of acid reflux, heartburn, and disastrous heartburn surgery.

Check it out!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cure Your Heartburn Naturally

Cure Your Heartburn NaturallyIf you suffer from heartburn and feel like you’d do anything to get from relief, then this book could be the most important one you’ll ever read.

People sometimes act like heartburn isn't even a real medical problem and they couldn't be more wrong.

Heartburn is a recognized medical condition-or at least some types of it are.

The fact that it's a real medical condition-and not just a matter of having a "weak stomach" or something like that-means you should take it seriously.

Each person who suffers from heartburn will feel bad to some degree, but a lot of people will only experience the milder symptoms. They may not even realize that the pain could get significantly worse if it’s not taken care of immediately.

This book goes into great detail about the causes of heartburn and most importantly, the remedies that relieve the pain.

In this book, you'll learn all about:

- The causes of heartburn, and how they influence what you should do about yours
- How to tell if you have heartburn or some other medical problem
- Facts and statistics about heartburn that may surprise you
- The influence of family on your heartburn problems...maybe you can blame it on your parents after all!
- Complications that can arise from heartburn, and how to guard against them.
- Specific methods of preventing heartburn
- The most common causes of heartburn and how to avoid them
- What effect exercise can have on your heartburn
- When should you use drugs - and when should you try the natural remedies for heartburn?
- The one key to discovering the heartburn treatment that will work for you-deceptively simple, but effective!
- Lifestyle changes you can make that will relieve your heartburn without taking all the fun out of your life
- What about gum and candy? I found the answers.
- Using tea as a remedy for heartburn-and why some teas set your heartburn off like a raging fire, while others soothe and cool your heartburn with ice-like magic
- Remedies that don't cost anything but give you immediate pain relief
- Recipes for remedies that work--and that you can mix up in your own kitchen using common ingredients. You probably already have most of these in your kitchen now; all you have to do is combine them correctly
- Herbs and spices that won't aggravate your heartburn--and some that will actually relieve it
- Alternative remedies that work
-How to use reflexology, massage, yoga, chiropractic and other alternative methods to soothe your heartburn pain
- Advice on adapting your favorite recipes so you can still enjoy them without the heartburn. Yes, even chili!

It might be easy to just "go along" with your heartburn, popping those antacid tablets when it gets really bad but that's really not a good idea.

There are facts about heartburn you should know. Facts that most people don't know which are covered in this book.

This book goes into details about:

- How to tell if that pain you feel is heartburn-or heart attack
- Why ignoring or “living with” your heartburn is the exact wrong thing to do, and can lead to devastating consequences
- What is GERD-and why you must know the facts about it. In fact, not knowing could cost your life
- The truth about food, and the surprising things you can safely eat without aggravating your heartburn
- The meaning of heartburn during pregnancy-and what you can or cannot do about it
- Does having heartburn mean you can't enjoy alcoholic beverages? The answer may surprise you
- Why you get that agonizing burning sensation at night
- Why the clothes you wear can make your heartburn better-or worse
- Why you get heartburn at certain times of the year, and not at others
- The real, scientific truth about spicy foods and heartburn
- Common illnesses you might confuse with heartburn; some are minor, while others can kill you

You owe it to yourself (and your loved ones) to get the facts about heartburn and eliminate the pain of heartburn from your life today.
Price: $9.97

Click here to buy from Amazon

Heartburn Pain - Common Causes and How to Cure It

What Exactly Is Heartburn?

You know that burning sensation you get after a huge meal - it begins in the upper abdomen, behind the breastbone, and makes your chest feel like it's on fire. The burning and pain may travel from your diaphragm all the way to your throat, and maybe you have a sour taste and the sensation of food re-entering your mouth - That's Heartburn!

Heartburn is caused when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, which is a really sensitive organ. This can occur for a number of reasons:

1. When the valve that keeps stomach acid in the stomach, is weakened or relaxed and doesn't do its job properly. This is the most common symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
 2. Certain foods, such as chocolate, fried and fatty foods, peppermint, coffee, alcohol, and sugar, can weaken or relax the valve.
3. Eating large meals or to close to bedtime.
4. A hiatal hernia.
5. Pressure on the stomach, including frequent bending over, tight clothes, lifting, and obesity.
6. Certain medications.
7. Smoking.
8. Stress can increase acid production and slow down the emptying of the stomach.

Is Heartburn Dangerous?

For most people who suffer from mild heartburn only occasionally, it is more of a nuisance than a condition that can cause any serious complications. However, for those who suffer from chronic heartburn, episodes occurring from several times a week to several times a day, it can lead to severe complications if not treated.

For people who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), heartburn can be chronic and severe. This can cause scarring of the esophagus, which narrows the esophagus and makes it difficult to swallow. It can also lead to Barrett's esophagus, a condition where cells similar to those of the stomach lining develop in the lower esophagus. This damage to the esophagus is severe and increases your risk of developing cancer of the esophagus.

What to do About Your Heartburn

You can find relief from your heartburn with a few self-care remedies. This involves making a few lifestyle and diet changes. Here are a few suggestions:

* Eat frequent smaller meals instead of three larger ones. This will help prevent excessive production of stomach acid.
* Eat slowly. One way to help you slow down while eating is to put your fork or spoon down between bites.
* Don't go to bed with a full stomach. Stay up at least three hours after eating your last meal or large snack before going to bed. This gives acid levels a chance to decrease before your body is in a position where heartburn is more likely to occur.
* Raise the head of your bed several inches. With your head elevated, it will help prevent reflux during the night.
* Avoid your heartburn triggers. Examples of foods and beverages that can trigger heartburn are coffee (including decaf), alcohol, fatty foods, caffeinated beverages and foods, onions, peppermint, chocolate (yes, ladies - chocolate!), citrus fruits or juices, and tomatoes. If you aren't sure what your heartburn triggers are, try keeping a food diary for a week or two.
* Stop smoking. Nicotine can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, the valve that controls the opening between the esophagus and stomach and prevents the acid of the stomach from entering the esophagus.
* Wear looser-fitting clothes. Tight clothing squeezes the midsection and tends to push stomach contents upward.
* Lose weight. If you are overweight, losing weight can help relieve your symptoms.
* Chew gum. Chewing gum can provide short-term heartburn relief by stimulating the production of saliva, which dilutes and flushes out stomach acid.
* Drink warm liquids. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water or herbal tea after a meal can dilute and flush out stomach acid.

There is a program called "Heartburn No More (tm): Heartburn Cure" which teaches a proven holistic 5-step system for curing Acid Reflux and Heartburn. With the use of these strategies, thousands of Men and Women worldwide have been successfully eliminating their heartburn pain within 2 days, and curing the root cause of acid reflux permanently!

I have suffered from acid reflux and Hiatal Hernia for more than two decades and, unable to find a "natural cure," was finally forced by the severe pain and threat of esophageal cancer to begin taking prescription medications to manage the condition. Within 2 weeks with this program, my chest pain and constant burning were completely gone! Because I'm finally sleeping through the night, I have more energy and feel and look like a new person! I have actually thrown away the prescription drugs and chemicals I was poisoning my body with.

I highly recommend checking out Heartburn No More (tm), and making the changes recommended... you'll be amazed how it feels to reclaim your life Heartburn Free!

View the original article here

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Earth Mama Angel Baby Pregnancy Pampering Kit

Earth Mama Angel Baby Pregnancy Pampering KitHosted by Dr. Shekhar Challa, author of Spurn the Burn, Treat the Heat: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Acid Reflux Disease, this hour-long DVD features heartburn-friendly recipes and cooking how-tos from Elaine Magee, the Recipe Doctor, and advice on what to stock in your pantry if you have heartburn or acid reflux disease.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Heartburn Remedies - 2 Household Remedies For Quick Relief

Heartburn remedies aim to get rid of heartburn once in for all. But only a small percentage of them actually cure you of heartburn. Many of the remedies of today only work on temporarily getting rid of the surface symptoms but the root of the problem still remains. Heartburn happens to many of us throughout our lifetime. Despite the name, heartburn does not have anything to do with the heart. The disease occurs when there is an irritation in your esophagus that is caused by acid in your stomach.

Overall it is not a big cause of concern but when it starts to become constant and you are feeling an uncomfortable burning sensation for extended periods of time, it becomes a concern. Heartburn can put a cripple on your quality of life if you do not take the right precautions and live a physically fit life so that you can keep it at bay. In this article I will outline two household heartburn remedies that can begin to relieve your heartburn pain.

Heartburn remedies aim to attack the acid that is irritating your esophagus and keep it at bay by preventing it from expanding. A good example of a household heartburn remedy is garlic. Garlic is a very versatile food with many health benefits. Garlic can strengthen the heart and improve your immune system on top of keeping your heartburn at bay. In order to make garlic work to your advantage and keep your heartburn at bay, you must purchase a clove of garlic and when the heartburn begins to cause you pain, store a few cloves of the garlic in apple cider vinegar. Once mixed, drink the liquid when you begin to experience heart burn. The reason this method works is because garlic is made up of a ton of various antibiotics. These antibiotics kill the microorganism that is most often found in those who suffer from heartburn.

When dealing with heartburn remedies it is important to find one that is both natural and practical when applying it. A household remedy with these two qualities would be papaya. Papaya is a tropical fruit that helps in digestion and can temporarily relive heartburn naturally. You can find papaya at your local supermarket but make sure that it is fresh papaya. When you begin to feel the burn kick in, eat 3 slices of the papaya for quick relief. Papaya works because it contains papain which is an enzyme that aids in digestion and protects the walls of your stomach to prevent the acid from reaching it.

Here is a secret tip; Now you can FINALLY get rid of your heartburn that is causing you pain.

But be warned... this system works so well you may be shocked at how quickly you cure your heartburn.
If you are 100% serious about learning the best heartburn remedies then click here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Walton
View the original article here

Friday, November 26, 2010

Giant Book of Natural Remedies

The Giant Book of Natural Remedies provides you with cures for over 100 common ailments. All with ingredients from your local grocery store! Only tried and tested remedies have been included in this e-book, that means safe, guaranteed results!

Check it out!

Food Remedies

Food RemediesThere is a sentence in the Talmud to the effect that the Kingdom of God is nigh when the teacher gives the name of the author of the information that he is passing on. With every desire to fulfil the rabbinical precept and acknowledge the sources of this booklet, I find myself in a quandary. If I make my acknowledgments duly I must begin with my grandmother and Culpeper's Herbal.
Price: $3.40

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Treat Your Heartburn Naturally And Get Real Results

There are plenty of ailments out there that a person can suffer from on a regular basis like migraine headaches, back pain, muscle aches, or joint pain. All of these are bad, but another common problem for millions is heartburn and acid reflux. If you are a sufferer of either of these two stomach ailments, then you don't need anyone to tell you how badly they can disrupt your life, besides how painful they can be!

Many different things can cause heartburn like stress, eating certain foods, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating too close to bedtime, some medications and smoking tobacco. Heartburn can often lead to acid reflux which is a very serious condition when left untreated. This is when acid is allowed to creep up from the stomach and get into the esophagus. This can occur because the lower esophageal sphincter, which is located between the bottom of the esophagus and at the top of the stomach, can be relaxed by certain foods or from certain activities like smoking tobacco and allow the acid to escape.

In order to get this condition under control, many times people that suffer from it have to make specific lifestyle changes and many of them turn to costly prescription medications when they can't get relief any other way. When stress and anxiety is a significant cause of your heartburn, that can be a little more difficult to control than just choosing the right foods. Using natural heartburn remedies that can help soothe and help to heal a raw stomach is very helpful as well as learning to make better eating choices and avoiding things like smoking, caffeine and alcohol.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hyper Acidity Dilemma

I'm one of the person who struggles with hyper acidity. I experience these attacks at least twice a year. And the pain is unbearable. I quickly leave for work when I feel the first sign of it occurring, because I know its going to get a lot worse. When these pains attack I consequently wind up vomiting. In a way I anticipate to resulting to that because it's the only way to ease the excruciating pain I'm going to feel. And it will take about till the next day to feel relieved. So ill be lucky if I get to catch some kind of sleep while having this hyper acidity attack. I have consulted doctors and got treatment of some kind. But despite all the medicines I took, I still cant finish a year without experiencing an attack.

Hyper acidity or acid dyspepsia is a common dietary disorder which affects almost 25% of the people in the US each year. Hyper acidity could be described as a disorder of the modern and urban cities where the eating habits of people are quite irregular.

My doctor told me hyper acidity can be caused by consumption of certain kinds of medications over a long period of time. If you are habitual of drinking alcohol, then along with doing damage to your liver, then you are also given the invitation to the problem of hyper acidity. Also, heavy smoking is considered one of the common cause of hyper acidity. Ulcers in the stomach are also one of the prime causes, once diagnosed with ulcer, surgical procedures will be done to remove the stomach ulcers. A gastric disorder called as the acid reflux disease was also mentioned by my doctor that when this happens, it builds up the level of acidity in the stomach. And yes, stress is also one of the triggers that cause hyper acidity.

With all the consultation I had, the advice I took from my doctor that I vigilantly follow is try not to miss any meal (breakfast,lunch, dinner). It is important that one should ensure that your daily gastric cycle is maintained. If you try to skip a meal, the chances of a strong gastric unrest is likely. I also try to avoid alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee as much as possible. I try to stop smoking(believe me I'm getting there). I'm not a fan of milk, but now I include it in my diet. Milk aids in balancing the effects of the gastric juices. I consult my doctor on medicines before I take them, because medicines like aspirin, diclofenac, etc. are known to increase hyper acidity. I now prefer drinking water with food than sodas or any other sour juices that induce acid. And its worth mentioning again that don't stay hungry for too long.

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IBS Foods - Avoid Non Fibrous Food

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a familiar disorder of the intestines. It can cause cramping, stomach pain, gas, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. A lot of people with IBS have constipation or infrequent bowel movements. Others have diarrhea. Many people have both. Eating more on fiber can aid in controlling these symptoms. The basic idea of eating for the condition is to avoid IBS foods that generate or infuriate a spastic colon via the gastro colic reflex that occurs when food passes the stomach, and to eat foods that appease and normalize the colon. This will allay and avert constipation and diarrhea, as well as the painful spasms and cramps, nausea, and bloating.

The most intricate foods for the body to process are fats and pure animal products. As an outcome, they are the most dominant IBS triggering factor for both constipation and diarrhea. You must firmly limit or, if possible, reduce most of these IBS foods from your diet in total. The most general dietary treatment for IBS has been high fiber diet. Where this is still an optimistic advice for numerous patients, mainly those who undergo from constipation, some patients will not gain from an increase in dietary fiber, and subsequently the symptoms may even worsen.

As with any modification in diet, the increase in fiber should be measured, consume variety of fibers as well as ample fluid intake per day. The chief sources of fluid should be water, although dilute tea or juices may do in some patients. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, and carbonated soft drinks can exacerbate symptoms and should be restricted, particularly in the early stages of dietary adjustment. The diet for IBS facilitates to stop the symptoms of condition. IBS foods that are exasperating or stimulating to the bowel are best avoided, while foods that aid the bowel movement better must be consumed often.

The following IBS foods can lead the symptoms to burst out and should be shun on a diet for the disorder. Food typically covers the wheat, caffeine found in tea, coffee and soda. Other than that are dairy products, red meats and gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Alcohol, fried foods, citrus fruits, artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and aspartame can also spawn IBS episode. Other factors would account chocolate, any foods high in fat and carbonated drinks like soda. Not all with IBS has problems with all of these foods.

To learn what IBS foods cause the outbreak, keep a food journal. Whenever you have problems, make a record of what you ate last. This will facilitate you to form your own diet sheets for IBS, a personal list of what you must and must not eat. A diet for IBS does not signify you cannot eat foods that you desire. It just means you have to pay attention to what you eat and to what foods prompt your condition. Eat foods high in fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Beans like kidney beans and lima beans would also aid as well as whole-grain breads and cereals.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Head Lice Home Remedy

Vickies Head Lice Home Remedy is all natural and a Constitent CB Seller For 8+ Years! Affiliates Earn a healthy 70

Check it out!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Heartburn 250 tabs By Naturalcare

Heartburn 250 tabs By NaturalcareHeartburn is a homeopathic formula that promptly relieves heartburn; sour stomach; burning; gas; and acid indigeston when taken before or after eating. Natural Homeopathic Medicine. Safe; effective relief of heartburn; sour stomach; burning; acid indigestion; gas.
Price: $13.99

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Is Your Heartburn Severe? 5 Simple Home Remedies to Treat Acid Reflux

Most people get occasional heartburn but when Heartburn gets to be severe you need a remedy that will treat acid reflux quickly and effectively. The problem is that although over the counter remedies can be effective used long term they can sometimes make the matter worse. There is good news. There are many home remedies that will bring very fast relief and with a few simple changes you can enjoy long term relief from acid indigestion.

Here are a few of my favourite remedies

If you are suffering acute heartburn and need almost instant relief stir a teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) into a small glass of water and drink. The soda is alkali and will neutralise your acidity. You will probably find you will belch after a minute or so and the pain will be gone. This is an emergency treatment only and should not be used regularly as it would put your body in imbalance.Taking ginger regularly will help to relax your stomach and aid digestion. Ginger can be taken as a dietary supplement or just used in your cooking. I have even enjoyed benefits from eating ginger cake! Has a cure ever been this good?Decreasing the acidity of your diet will help long term. Spicy food and citrus fruits will all contribute to acidity. You may want to keep a food diary to see which foods are causing you problems. The ones out look out for are the obvious like chilli or curry but also tomato sauces and fruit juices. Once you have identified the culprits you will be able to manage them better. Taking a supplement to reduce acidity or eating naturally alkali foods - see the next tip.You will gain benefits by including alkali food in your diet, particularly if you combine these foods with recipes that would normally be acidic. Leafy green vegetables work well to neutralise acid as do apples. I always have a side order of saag aloo (spinach and potatoes) when I enjoy a curry. It works wonders. Water melon to finish a meal would also work well.I've saved the worse till last. Some of your indulgences or treats could also contribute to acid reflux. Tobacco smoke strips the oesophagus of its protection, alcohol is a prime cause of heartburn and chocolate can relax the oesophageal sphincter (the valve that holds acid in the stomach). You should aim to at least cut down on all three.

One more bonus tip - If you encourage healthy function in your gut you will notice a marked reduction in your condition. You will help your gut by taking "good" bacteria on a daily basis, just eat some natural live yogurt each day to top up your probiotic bacteria. You should also consider detoxing your colon occasionally. The colon can become very clogged with thick mucus as well as being blocked by pockets of difficult to digest food. Don't worry I'm not suggesting anything drastic like colonic irrigation you can cleanse much more gently by maintaining a good diet with plenty of fibre.

View the original article here

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heartburn & Acid Reflux Remedy Report, New Sales Letter and 3 Upsells

New Updates: $39.97/sale, 70% Comms Payout, Plus Back-end Comms! Highest Converting Acid Reflux and Heartburn Remedy Report. For Promotional Tools Visit www.bartonaffiliates.com Or Search "Barton" In Marketplace For More Offers. Start earning $$ today!

Check it out!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to Stop Acid Reflux Naturally

How to Stop Acid Reflux NaturallyIf you’re suffering from painful heartburn or searing acid reflux and you want more information about exactly what’s causing it…What you can do to stop or prevent it…Or even just what your different treatment options are…Then this book was written just for you.

This book is the ultimate guide to dealing with acid reflux and heart burn problems.

What you’ll discover inside:

- Acid reflux 101: Everything you need to know about your anatomy and what causes acid reflux

- The four main conditions and diseases caused by chronic acid reflux and how to manage or cure all of them

- How to diagnosis and treat children and infants with GERD

- How to tell if you’re suffering from “erosive esophagitis” (erosion of the esophagus) … and what to do immediately if you are

- Exactly what changes to make in your diet to prevent GERD

- What your options are to treat acid reflux with drugs along with their effectiveness and side effects

- What you should know if you’re even considering surgical treatment for your acid reflux

- The two biggest myths about your diet and acid reflux, plus what changes to your diet will actually help your condition

- 8 helpful tips for treating acid reflux especially for expectant mothers

- A unique, natural remedy found only on the tea tree bush in New Zealand which can cure your acid reflux and even heal damage already done to your esophagus—with absolutely NO side effects!

- Plus much MORE!

This just scratches the surface of what's in the book. It gives you everything you need to start preventing and even curing your acid reflux. Start enjoying a satisfying new life without the pain of acid reflux today.
Price: $9.97

Click here to buy from Amazon

Natural Acid Reflux Treatment - That Works!

If you suffer from acid reflux or have been diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) you will be aware of how much of an impact it can have on your life. Avoiding the pain and discomfort of acid heartburn can become a full-time pursuit. Unfortunately some of the traditional remedies that neutralise acid or prevent your stomach producing acid can work against your body's natural balance which will set up a cycle of heartburn. There are more natural treatments that will work with your body and help to balance your digestive system.

Make sure you support your digestion by eating probiotic yogurt each day. Yogurt drinks have become a popular way to do this but you could also by natural "live" yogurt instead. This will also help to restore the PH balance within your gut.Natural honey is also a great acid heartburn remedy. Including a couple of spoonfuls of natural honey in you diet will balance and soothe your digestive tract. Try to buy local honey or look for natural honey in the supermarket, it has higher soothing qualities than some blended honey. Lavender honey made by bees feeding on lavender can be particularly effectiveAloe Vera promotes healing and can be found in capsule form to be taken internally. It will soothe the damage to your esophagus and promote healing.Eat foods that are more alkaline and acid reflux diet can be very effective at controlling the condition while your body re-balances. Apples are a good alkali food that can bring instant and convenient relief to acid reflux. Also include plenty of green leafy vegetables in your diet.Try to include some licorice in your diet. It can be taken as a food supplement, but I allow the child in me to come out and chew on a licorice stick.Never go to bed on a really full stomach. Modern lifestyle means we often eat late, but this is really bad for sufferers of heartburn as it allows the acid produced to digest your meal to flow back up the esophagus as you lie in bed.

Finally make sure you are drinking enough water. This is probably the most important tip of all and it can be so simple. Drinking water allows your digestive system to work smoothly. High quantities of water will dilute the acidity and drinking water during an attack will flush escaping acid back into the stomach. 

View the original article here

Friday, November 19, 2010

Heartburn No More (tm): Heartburn Cure *Top Affiliate Makes $129K+/Mon

Highest Converting Heartburn and Acid Reflux (Gerd) Cure Program on Cb. The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic System. Insane Conversions. Last Month Our Sales Were Over $379,000: Http://www.HeartburnNoMore.com/affiliates.html. $27/Sale

Check it out!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Health

Natural Remedies for Intestinal HealthA self-help guide for acid-reflux syndrome caused by food sensitivities resulting in type II histamine release that causes excess stomach production. Instead of suppressing the symptoms only, find out the cause and how to heal it with diet modification. Learn how to improve appetite, digestion, prevent intestinal gas, diarrhea, colitis, candidiasis, crohn's, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, ulcers, and how to implant friendly flora and solve other problems related to a healthy digestive tract. pH balancing, malabsorption, Butyrate supplements to heal the gut and much more. 52 pages with scientific references.
Price: $4.95

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Natural Therapy For Acid Reflux Help

It is sometimes required to look for outside assistance for some form of relief to the issue of controlling heartburn, as it can be quite serious and is extremely unpleasant. The sort of corrosive reflux help that you are looking for can really draw close from some divergent sources. For some individuals, they immediately go to a physician and purchase to get some kind of pharmaceutical therapy that will reduce their acid reflux symptoms. Although this can function to assist to give you some relief, I would caution that it is not really a cure, it is merely a way to deal with the issue for the short phrase.

Other civilians, nevertheless, glance for acid reflux assistance inside the type of a organic treatment. Identifying the cause of is frequently required prior to you can start a natural therapy for you heartburn or acid reflux. Following you understand the trigger of the problem the use of organic remedies may heal it, alleviating it all together. Among different organic treatments, acid reflux therapy is the most efficient.

The two major causes of acid reflux are a lack of stomach acid and dehydration. In truth, these two points cause problems beyond heartburn troubles. The cause why this is the case, is simply because a lack of stomach acid is heading to cause our food to begin the digestive process unprepared. Dehydration will force your body to gaze for drinking water in odd localities, for example compressing it out of the fecal issue that is traveling through your colon. If this isn't sufficient of a justification to a go natural corrosive reflux aid, I'm not somewhat definite what is.

Luckily, your reflux condition can be treated utilizing a organic and fairly simple solution. You ought to aim to drink around 10 glasses of water every day, in purchase to ensure you are correctly hydrated. A good amount to shoot for is half of your entire body bodyweight, converted into ounces of water. Make certain that you are taking some natural ocean saline, as this will assist the drinking water to remain inside your body lengthy sufficient that it can manage its magic.

One more point that you can manage is to get abounding of green, leafy veggies into your diet every day. This will help in balancing out stomach acid, a fast way to rid oneself of any acid reflux symptoms you might experience. It would be wise to attempt to eat in a much more wholesome way, which indicates having a great deal of small foods around the clock instead of consuming fewer but bigger foods. Anything that can be done that indicates your digestion will enhance is going to assist you reap large well being advantages.

You can select what ever type of help for your acid reflux you'd like to attempt. If you make a determination to a go a natural remedy, you would be astonished with how promptly the modifications will draw close about.

View the original article here

Herbal Remedies Secrets - Natural Remedies Top Product

Who Wants To Tap Into The Benefits of Herbal Remedies And Learn The Secrets of Better Health? High converting Home Remedies, Medicinal Herbs, Natural Cures, Natural Medicines product. Treat Asthma, Anemia, Arthritis, Acne, Coughing, Diabetes, Kidney!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NaturalCare Homeopathic Reflux-Away Capsules, 60-Count Packages (Pack of 2)

NaturalCare Homeopathic Reflux-Away Capsules, 60-Count Packages (Pack of 2)Are you concerned about overuseof OTC drugs on your stomach? Finally, a natural remedy to help relieve stomach distriss symptoms including heartburn, indigestion, belching and flatulence (gas). How your stomach feels is truly a measure of how you feel ph

Price: $39.90

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Organic Treatment For Acid Reflux Assist

In order to correctly control the often severe and very unpleasant condition of heartburn, it might be required to look for outside assist. The kind of unpleasant reflux assist that you are looking for can really arrive from a number of distinct sources. Some individuals prefer to see their doctor at the first sign of acid reflux, in the belief that pharmaceutical therapy alone will remedy the acid reflux symptoms. Even though this can profession towards support in the direction of grant you a amount of relief, I would warn that it is not genuinely a deal with, it is merely a distance towards import with the complication for the short phrase.

Other civilians, nevertheless, glance for acid reflux support inside the type of a natural treatment. Identifying the trigger of is frequently necessary prior to you can begin a natural therapy for you heartburn or acid reflux. Following you understand the cause of the issue the use of organic remedies may heal it, alleviating it all together. Among different organic treatments, acid reflux treatment is the most effective.

Acid reflux is generally triggered by dehydration or by the lack of acid in the stomach. In truth, these two points trigger problems beyond heartburn difficulties. The justification why this is the case, is because a deficiency of stomach corrosive is heading to source our sustenance to commence the digestive method unprepared. Dehydration shall drag your body towards glance for water within exotic places, such as squeezing it out of the fecal matter that is traveling across your colon. If this isn't enough of a reason to attempt natural acid reflux help, I'm not quite sure what is.

Conveniently enough, there is a pretty simple answer available for treating your reflux condition in a natural way. You should aim to drink around 10 eyeglasses of water each day, in purchase to ensure you are correctly hydrated. 10 glasses of water is just an estimate so you can really just convert half of your body bodyweight into ounces of water and drink that quantity. Make particular that you are getting some organic ocean saline, as this will assist the drinking water to stay inside your entire body long enough that it can handle its magic.

One more point that you can manage is to get abounding of green, leafy vegetables into your diet every day. This will help in balancing out abdomen acid, a fast way to rid oneself of any acid reflux signs and symptoms you might experience. It's also advisable to attempt to consume more healthily, meaning lots of small foods scattered through the day rather than a couple of large types. Anything that can be done that means your digestion will enhance is going to assist you reap big well being advantages.

You can attempt whatever type of help for your acid reflux issue that you think will be helpful. If you select towards endeavour a natural deal with, you would wondered with how hastily the corrections shall arrive about.

View the original article here

Monday, November 15, 2010

Herbal Remedy Cures

A Complete Book On Herbal Remedies. A Directory Catalogue Of Herbal Remedies For Ailments A-z.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Natures Way Yarrow Flowers

Natures Way Yarrow FlowersHosted by Dr. Shekhar Challa, author of Spurn the Burn, Treat the Heat: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Acid Reflux Disease, this hour-long DVD features heartburn-friendly recipes and cooking how-tos from Elaine Magee, the Recipe Doctor, and advice on what to stock in your pantry if you have heartburn or acid reflux disease.


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Proven Acid Reflux Cures

Today we will address serious condition known as Acid Reflux AKA heart burn, GERD & indigestion-is a awful painful condition that commonly cause bad breath (halitosis) and Post Nasal Drip, 2 conditions you must avoid.

American Medical Association estimates 8 out of 10 people suffer from it.

So it's a big problem in society.

Acid Reflux is caused by your stomach acids moving up your oesophagus (throat)

This can result in mild to unbearable pain.

Acids are able to do this when the 1 way valve at the stomach stops working and this is called GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)

Try these ways to reduce the pain. After eating always wait 3 hours before going to bed.

If you feel pain in bed try laying on your left side as this will raise your throat above your stomach keeping most of the acid in your stomach (where they should be)

Try to reduce or avoid alcohol and cigarettes as these cause of heart burn.

Think about eating 6 small meals per day instead of 3 big meals per day.

If you see your doctor you may be issued with antacids tablets or fluids. Your doctor may also issue you with pills that are Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These often completely stop the pain. But it's recommended for 2 weeks only. Many people take these drugs every day for years. This is a problem as your stomach produces much less acids, so you don't digest your food properly. Also if you forget to take the drug, the next day will very painful.

Many foods can bring on an acid reflux condition, so when this happens try to avoid that food in the future.

There's a lot of talk on the internet about home remedies for this condition. But most have not been scientifically tested, they are often of no help or even dangerous.

At http://www.acidrefluxcure.co/ we use proven home treatments that will get you off drugs and are proven to stop heart burn, while restoring your body to its natural condition. You will feel much better for it.

Hi, I'm Dr James Wright. I'm the Head of ENT Bacterial Research at Oraltech Labs??
Oraltech Labs researches the tests, causes and cures of GERD/Acid Reflux.

So far we've discovered NO product you can buy claiming to treat GERD/Acid Reflux that really works. We have tested products that cost more then $200 a month-that proved to be of no use in reducing GERD/Acid Reflux.

We do know that many pills and home treatments should be avoided. We also know that diet, stress reduction and mental health are important. Make a point of visiting http://www.acidrefluxcure.co/ as our advice has taken 12 years to perfect. Now we have a 98% Cure Rate

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_James_Wright

Dr James Wright - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Home Remedies For Removing Warts

Dont Go Though Life With Genital Warts, Get Rid Of Warts On Face, Feet And Genital Using Home Remedies For Removing Warts.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Redmond Clay Jar By Redmond Trading - 10oz.

Redmond Clay Jar By Redmond Trading - 10oz.Redmond Clay is an old Home Remedy that generations of people have used for a variety of ailments. Redmond Clays origins are as old as the practice of putting a mud poultice on a bee sting. Geologically Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in sea water approximately 150 million years ago. Technically Redmond Clay is a swelling-type sodium bentonite. Redmond Minerals brings this "clay of a thousand uses" to market in its natural state with no additives chemicals or preservatives. The only processing it undergoes is crushing and screening.

Price: $10.19

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The 4 Categorical Causes of Heartburn

The name "heartburn" is really a misnomer, given that it is completely unrelated to conditions of the heart. But the causes of heartburn can make you feel like your heart is burning up, especially just behind your solar plexus. It is a burning sensation that becomes worse when you lie down or bend over. Heartburn affects about 50% of pregnant women and almost a third of the U.S. population.

These causes can be divided into 4 broad categories. Becoming aware of these can be the first step in avoiding them or treating them.

1. Physiological Causes

Understanding some general realities about how the human body functions can help us to appreciate how our own bodies can be instrumental in producing heartburn. The physical part which plays the most important role is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This is a valve-like mechanism which is located at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach (just below the rib cage). It momentarily opens and closes to permit food to go into the stomach, and to allow gas to be released out from it. It also serves to prevent the stomach contents from backing up into the esophagus. Heartburn can be attributed to a few of the following physiological causes;

PregnancyHiatal HerniaInsufficient saliva productionAgingDelayed gastric emptyingLow stomach acid (Hypochlorhydria)

All of the above causes have numerous potential extenuating circumstances.

Acid reflux is usually the result of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) not functioning properly due to physiological reasons. It may be opening too often or just not shutting properly. Either way, the end result is heartburn. It is a dysfunctional LES which causes GERD more than anything, although the LES can be compromised by non-physiological factors related to lifestyle.

2. Diet:

Heartburn can still occur among people with a normal LES as a result of our food choices. These typically bring about indigestion by overly-acidifying the stomach which creates a drop in stomach pressure, thereby weakening the LES at which time reflux can occur. Although this is not chronic, it may become so over time if the causes are not stopped.

Certain dietary choices can also inflame a pre-existing case of heartburn because of the extra stomach acids produced. Let's look at a number of the substances that trigger heartburn:

Coffee, tea and other beverages containing caffeine including chocolate due to the fact they impair the LES.Greasy and fried foods, along with foods high in fat tend to clog up the digestive system. The food subsequently remains inside the stomach for an extended time period putting too much stress on it which further compromises the LES.Alcohol relaxes the LES and heightens the production of stomach acid.Tomatoes and tomato by-products along with onions, garlic, mints, and citrus fruits all have substances that irritate the stomach if you are vulnerable to reflux.Spicy foodsVinegar products

Your doctor will instruct you to refrain from the short list of usual suspects which are known to be causative. But you should also pay close attention to any reactions you may have to whatever you eat since many people have different reactions to the same foods.

3. Lifestyle:

Another major cause of heartburn involves the lifestyle adopted by the individual. Here is a list of several of the most typical causes:

Not letting the stomach to rest between mealsDisproportionate strain on the stomach as a result of being overweight or obeseGoing to sleep for the night on a full or partially full stomachWearing tight outfits that put pressure on the waistTension and stressTobacco addiction

4. Drugs and Medications:

Just a few of the most common medications that can cause heartburn are;

Pain KillersAsthma InhalersCalcium Channel BlockersTranquilizersNitratesOpiatesAnti-Depressants

These can all have a direct impact on the LES and the stomachs ability to process food.

Being aware of the causes of heartburn will allow you to avoid a lot of heartache (and heartburn). If you are prone to reflux or have it already, you can find out how to lessen its effects or wholly free yourself from its influence, which leads to an improved quality of life for you and those close to you.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Home Remedies for Sinus Infection that Work

Practicing as a medical doctor, I have treated hundreds of patients suffering from sinus infection using only natural remedies. The essence of my long practice is summarized in my e-book. Earn 50% of $19

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sparkling Eno Fruit Salt - Fast Relief from Upset Stomach

Sparkling Eno Fruit Salt - Fast Relief from Upset StomachPharmacist James Crossley Eno began selling this preparation in the 1850s. The effervescent powder contains sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate which neutralise stomach acid to bring the system back to normal.


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The Alkaline pH Diet For Acid Reflux

I always thought I'll have life long pains because of my acid reflux, but I got lucky and learned something that transformed my way of thinking regarding the impressive powers of the natural cures and I'm finally cured.

I used to take drugs regularly but in time I realised they were actually doing more wrong, inducing other health problems. Years of antacids dependency left me depressed and almost broke.

Pharmaceuticals looked to work for a little while, but they didn't cure my sickness, only made me forget the pain for a little while. Turning to natural cures changed my life and allowed me to enjoy life once again.

Rule 1 - Eat right - change your diet by taking out the foods that are making you sick and eat more of those which are making you heal faster. Certain foods cause your acid reflux symptoms and in time they further aggravate the problem

Rule 2 - Eat when is right - eating only at specific hours and actually chewing your food trains your body when is the right time to get to work and for how long. Don't indulge night cravings and eat less and more often.

Rule 3 - don't worry, be happy - an anxious existence is rapidly showing it's mark on the digestive system, by forcing it into overdrive. So take it easy, smell a flower, laugh more often.

Sometimes the doctor will prescribe a medication that can be taken once acid reflux occurs. Prescription drugs are the easiest and most efficient way to combat acid reflux.

Reflux is not a condition that people must endure. If they choose an everyday preemptive medication or an non-prescription medication once the reflux hits, there is acid reflux relief and it should be utilized!

Are you feeling exhausted from not sleeping well and sore throat? Then this course will help you to get better.

It will give you elaborated information about why you're having reflux and what to do about it. I read it fast one morning and it really helped me to understand why the doctors can't help you and what is the only way to get rid of acid reflux naturally.

Discover the pH alkaline acid reflux diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lucas_Cesar_L_Wright

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Fade Stretch Marks At Home With Over 50 Home Remedies For Stretch Marks And Natural Solutions Guaranteed To Fade Stretch Marks Fast!

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The Heartburn-Friendly Kitchen: One Hour of Delicious How-To Recipes for Treating the Heat of Acid Reflux

The Heartburn-Friendly Kitchen: One Hour of Delicious How-To Recipes for Treating the Heat of Acid RefluxHosted by Dr. Shekhar Challa, author of Spurn the Burn, Treat the Heat: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Acid Reflux Disease, this hour-long DVD features heartburn-friendly recipes and cooking how-tos from Elaine Magee, the Recipe Doctor, and advice on what to stock in your pantry if you have heartburn or acid reflux disease.


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Monday, November 8, 2010

The Finest Weight-Reduction Plan for Acid Reflux

Eating regimen for Acid Reflux

Any good weight loss plan for an acid reflux diet will contain a couple of primary staples, such as fresh vegetables and fruit, legumes, whole-grain breads and cereals, and many fibers. Simply make it possible as you enhance your consumption of fiber you also drink more water, as a result of if not you might find yourself constipated.

Another basic that must be included in a typical weight loss program is milk. Milk helps acid reflux by calming and coating the stomach, and one of the best thought is to have a glass or two of milk right before mattress, as a result of that is when heartburn are likely to strike most often. Drinking milk is definitely one of the quickest options to solving a stomach acid downside, although it is only a brief solution.

It is best to keep away from ingesting espresso and consuming any citrus fruits because all of these are only going to worsen your condition. Spicy foods as nicely will often create extra of a problem with acid reflux sufferers, so chorus from eating them or at the least if you happen to do, just be sure you do it in moderation.

There are specific foods that you should include and abstain from in an eating regimen, however then there is also the matter of when and the way a lot try to be eating. It is sometimes greatest to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals a day slightly than three bigger, because this manner your body will be able to more simply digest the meals and therefore not as much acid will probably be created in your body.

Keep away from meals that are high in fats especially quick food, as a result of these meals will stay in the abdomen longer and in consequence will cause the need for more abdomen acid to be able to digest them. Avoiding or no less than limiting your alcohol intake can also be essential here, and it's best to try to maintain an upright position during and instantly after eating, and elevating your head while you are sleeping might be helpful as well.

If you are having particularly severe problems together with your diet plan then you could try talking to your physician about it so that they will assess your condition and decide whether or not more severe measures must be taken.

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Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus

The Definitive Guide To Home Remedy Treatments For Toenail Fungus.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

This Bacteria Infection May Be the Root Cause of Your Heartburn

If you have ongoing digestive complaints and the symptoms do not go away, a hidden internal bacterial infection may be the root cause. Helicobacter Pylori or H.Pylori for short infects up to 50% of the world's population. Research shows that in the U.S. alone, up to 45% of the general population may be infected. The bacteria works like a corkscrew in the small intestine. It embeds itself into the lining of the small intestine and forms a bubble to protect itself from the stomach acid. It also damages the parietal cells in your stomach wall which are responsible for producing stomach acid. When stomach acid becomes suppressed, it leads to many different complications. H. Pylori has also been shown to move to your gall bladder and liver.

What Are the Symptoms?

HeartburnAcid reflux / GERDIndigestionHalitosisDuodenal and Peptic ulcers. H.Pylori has been shown to be the main cause for these.Upper abdominal painHeadaches / migrainesAcneHormonal imbalance through adrenal fatigueDepressionAnd MoreH. Pylori has also been shown to lead to stomach cancer if not treated.

How do You get H. Pylori?

There are multiple ways a person may become infected with this nasty bacterial infection;

1. Close personal contact. Many people who have H. Pylori can easily pass it on to their family or loved ones through saliva, sharing utensils, and the like
2. Poor hygiene
3. Sexual contact
4. From your pet or animals. You can simply pet your dog cat or another animal then eat with your hands and acquire the bacterial infection.

How do you test for H. Pylori?

There are essentially 4 ways to test to see if you have H. Pylori;

1. Stool test. In my opinion this is the best one to take. You can do it in the comfort of your own home and mail if off to a lab. If H.Pylori is found in your stool it is 100% positive that you have it. I would be happy to work with you if you choose to take this route. I can have the kit shipped to your home. The worst part is you have to take samples of your own stool. I would rather do that then get a tube shoved down my throat.

2. Blood draw. Your doctor or clinic will draw your blood to see if you have antibodies to H. Pylori. The drawback with the blood test is that your antibodies can stay elevated for up to 5 years after having the infection.

3. Endoscopy and biopsy. This requires you to go to a clinic and have the process done by a physician. They will insert a tube with a camera down your esophagus to look for the bacterial infection and other complications.

4. Breath test. You would go to a clinic and blow into a bag and they examine the gases to see if they react to H. Pylori. This one seems to be the least accurate.


Getting rid of H. Pylori usually is by the way of anitbiotics or natural supplements. Both have pros and cons to them. If you have H. Pylori you must to get rid of it to reduce your risk of developing other serious health complications caused by H. Pylori.

View the original article here

Friday, November 5, 2010

Natural Home Remedies for Ringworm

How to quickly and permanently get rid of ringworm, athletes foot, scalp fungus and jock itch using natural home remedies.

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Zagarese 100% Organic Licorice, Original, 0.88-Ounce Flip Top Boxes (Pack of 6)

Zagarese 100% Organic Licorice, Original, 0.88-Ounce Flip Top Boxes (Pack of 6)Item number 48039, Grading is cover/record: VG+/M- using Goldmine standards. gfld Please see seller profile for abbreviation descriptions.

Price: $34.92

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally - How It's Done

Have you suffered with acid reflux for most of your adult life? Do you take over the counter antacids or prescription heartburn relief medications that aren't effective for hours? Are additional symptoms from medications making your acid reflux even more unbearable? Then stop taking prescription medications that aren't helping your problem. Acid reflux can be treated without additional side effects and long waiting for relief.

Acid reflux causes damage to the esophagus that can cause inflammation, irritation and pain. However, the acid in the stomach is needed to breakdown food to use the nutrients within it. Therefore if you stop the acid production in the stomach through antacids, acid suppression, or increasing the alkaline pH in the stomach you will have more problems than just acid reflux. Your body will be incapable of digesting food and receiving nutrients. So if you don't want this to happen to you, then making changes in your lifestyle and diet and using natural remedies is your best way to cure your acid reflux.

Damage within the esophagus can be healed, however you need to avoid the foods that caused the damage in the first place. Alcohol, caffeine, soda, tomatoes, fatty foods are just some of the foods that can increase the acid production within the stomach and cause acid reflux. Although it is difficult to try to eliminate as many of these foods from your diet as possible. This will allow the esophagus to heal properly. Eating a diet filled with alkaline foods will also help to heal the esophagus and reduce the overproduction of acid within the stomach. Eating smaller more frequent meals rather than 3 large meals and avoiding eating 2-3 hours before bedtime can decrease the likelihood of an acid reflux attack.

Making changes in your diet is just one of the ways you can reduce your acid reflux symptoms. Excess weight is one of the risk factors that can cause acid reflux. Start a daily exercise program to reduce fat and burn calories. Stop smoking. In addition to all its harmful toxins and diseases that it can cause, smoking is one of the leading indicators for acid reflux. If you can't stop on your own, try a smoking cessation program, but quit as soon as you can. Increase your water intake. Water dilutes the acid concentration in the stomach therefore eliminating acid reflux. We are supposed to drink 8-8oz glasses of water a day, however most people choose soda or coffee rather than a bottle of water. Switch out your old beverages with water. If water is too bland for you add a slice of lemon or lime to zest it up.

In addition to changes in lifestyle and diet, try some natural remedies to improve your condition. Apple cider vinegar and aloe vera juice drank daily have been used to soothe and heal an inflamed esophagus. Ginger tea with honey is a great aid for digestive problems as well as relaxing the esophageal muscles. Taking a spoonful of honey can coat and line the walls of the esophagus to avoid inflaming the cells. This can be used as preventative, or in acute cases. Licorice has been used to stop heartburn by activating the protective mucus of the digestive tract. Licorice is a strong anti-inflammatory, which can protect the esophagus from acid. Glutamine is an amino acid with anti-inflammatory properties. It heals the tissue in the digestive tract. By eating a few almonds when you wake up in the morning and before meals you can reduce your chances of acid reflux. Almonds are naturally alkaline and can reduce nausea therefore calming the digestive tract. Chew on sugarless gum to dilute stomach acid in between meals.

Remember that one natural remedy may not work for everyone, so what works for one person may not work for you. If one doesn't work try another, until you find one or several that work for you. If your symptoms worsen, see your doctor.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Understanding Achalasia, the "Impossible-Eating" Disorder!

Achalasia is a disorder of the esophagus in which the lower sphincter is not fully loosened, remaining contracted and not allowing foods to go in the stomach. From Ancient Greek (a-, "not") + (khalasis, "relaxation") < (khala, "I loosen"). This disease is also called:

Achalasia cardiae, Cardiospasm, Esophageal achalasia and Esophageal aperistalsis.

This condition of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is also associated with a difficult creation of peristaltic waves, so that the passage of food through esophagus is made more difficult and impossible.

The causes of Achalasia are generally unknown, except for the American form, caused by Trypanosoma crusi (Chagas Disease). It is thought that also may exist a viral form, but for now everything remains only a hypothesis.

Anatomically, it seems that at the site of LES, there co-exists a Muscular and a Neuronal damage. The neurons that are damaged are commonly "NO-secreting" neurones, and the muscular lining of the esophagus seems thicker than normal.

Signs and symptoms of Achalasia

-Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing): this symptom is present in almost 100% of patients with achalasia. It is felt as a weighting mass inside the chest. In case of achalasia this symptom comes slowly day by day, and not as in Esophageal cancer, in which the weighting mass in the chest is severe from the beginning.

-Vomiting: it is common in a patient with achalasia the need to vomit, and after vomiting, the feeling of an empty and relaxed esophagus. In achalasia, the food that comes from the mouth is not acid, like in the case of Gerd (The acid reflux disease), because it hasn;t reached the stomach yet.

-Polmonitis ab-ingestis: passing of food from esophagus to trachea, and risk of infections!

-Weight loss: at the advanced stages, there is weight loss that comes as a result of bad nutrition.

Treatment of Achalasia:

Every kind of treatment for this disease is not totally healing. All of the treatments are used to relieve the symptoms of the disease, so that the person doesn't lose the quality of life, and also to prevent the complications, that can come from prolonged Achalasia.

The pharmacological treatment is:

Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine in this case)

Nitrates (Isosorbide Dinitrate)

Botulinum Toxin (Botox), but this is a temoporary effect and needs to be redone.

The interventions are:

-Balloon dilation: in which the muscle fibers are stretched and slightly torn by forceful inflation of a balloon placed inside the lower esophageal sphincter. Physicians who specialize in Achalasia and have performed many of these forceful balloon dilatations achieve better results and fewer perforations.

-Heller myotomy: It can usually be performed by a keyhole approach, or with laparoscopy. The myotomy is a cut along the esophagus, starting above the LES and extending down onto the stomach a little way. The esophagus is made of several layers, and the myotomy only cuts through the outside muscle layers which are squeezing it shut, leaving the inner muscosal layer intact.

-Dor or Toupet partial fundoplication: Surgery that is added to Myotomy, just to prevent the acid reflux. The gastric fundus (upper part) of the stomach is wrapped, or plicated, around the lower end of the esophagus but not circling all of the esophagus like in Nissen's fundoplication. Then it is stitched in place, reinforcing the closing function of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Generally, Achalasia is NOT a mortal situation, and a patient can live all of his life with this condition. But, the quality of life is reduced, because of the continuing difficulty when eating and drinking. Although there is no final treatment that totally cures the disease, it should be treated with the symptomatic types of treatments available. The mos dangerous complication is Polmonitis ab-ingestis, that is an inflammation of the lungs deriving from food passed from the esophagus. It should be treated with antibiotics, and if the part of swallowed food is still in the lung, it should be removed chirurgically!

View the original article here

Natural Remedies for Constipation

Discover how to get rid of constipation using natural remedies. All aspects of colon and constipation are covered.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Zantac Maximum Strength 150mg Acid Reducer Tablets - 24 Count

Zantac Maximum Strength 150mg Acid Reducer Tablets - 24 CountINDICATIONS: MAXIMUM STRENGTH Zantac 150 reduces the production of stomach acid. This is what makes MAXIMUM STRENGTH Zantac 150 different from antacids, which neutralize the acid.

Price: $7.74

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