
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You Need to Know: Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn is the most common condition experienced at least once a week by almost 20% of people. Although heartburn is a common condition, there are still instances when people suffer from a more serious state brought about by it. So, it is a best advice to consult your doctor in order to be evaluated for your health condition. There are different heartburn remedies that can be used to prevent heartburn, and the best part of it is it combats this condition the natural way.

Here are the lists of natural heartburn remedies commonly used and advised by the doctors:

1. PROPER EATING HABIT - It is important for those who suffers from heartburn to eat the right food and avoid heartburn trigger foods and drinks that can worsen condition. Citrus fruits and juices, carbonated sodas, alcohol, mint candies, coffee, spicy foods, garlic, raw onions and vinegar are just the few foods that should be avoided as much as possible. It is also important to remember that it is advised to eat smaller portions every meal and to take dinner two to three hours before going to bed.

2. LESS STRESS - According to National Heartburn Alliance, 58% of heartburn sufferers point stress as one of the culprits in worsening their condition. However, there is still no scientifically evidence that can validate this assumption. But, stress is known to be one of the factors for having an unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, and drinking alcohol, which in turn triggers heartburn.

3. NO SMOKING - Nicotine in cigarettes is known for weakening the band of muscle in the esophagus, esophageal spinchter. This muscle's main role is to close the esophagus to prevent the stomach acid to enter the esophagus.

4. CHEWABLE DEGLYCYRRHIZINATED LICORICE (DGL) - This heartburn remedy is used on ancient times. It is a herb licorice that prevents inflammation and ulcer due to its glycyrrhizin component. There are still no valid evidence to support this kind of treatment.

5. ALOE VERA JUICE - Aloe Vera is widely and commonly used as a natural heartburn remedy in Europe, it is commonly used to relieve themselves of this condition. Patients who wished to use this type of remedy should consult their doctors first, since aloe vera has aloe-emoin compound that is known to be as a powerful laxative.

6. SLIPPERY ELM AND MARSHMALLOW HERB - Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Herb is a folk remedy that is believed to have components that coat the esophagus and reliever heartburn pains. However, there is still no scientific evidence that can prove this assumption. Furthermore, usage of this herb remedy is still not established for pregnant or nursing women.

With a wide and vast array of heartburn remedies being used today, it is still safer to consult your doctor in each and every natural remedy. Especially, if the type of remedy you wish to apply to your regimen has no scientific basis and evidence. It is still the best solution to ask your doctor about it and having a healthy lifestyle is still the best heartburn remedy!

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