
Friday, October 29, 2010

What Are The Best Herbal Remedies For GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is commonly known as acid reflux. This condition is characterized by a sudden influx of acid from the stomach all the way to the esophagus and throat. Because of this problem, the person afflicted might experience symptoms similar to heartburn.

Persistent pain in the chest is very common especially after eating. This is actually more serious than you think. The acid can damage the lining of the esophagus. Because of the damages in the lining, it might make it more difficult for you to swallow. However, not all GERD sufferers experience heartburn symptoms. People afflicted might also experience coughing, bad breath, constricted throat and sleep disruptions.

Tips On How To Alleviate GERD Symptoms

You can avoid the attack of this health condition. Here are the following things you need to consider:

Tip 1: Avoid sleeping or lying down right after eating. Acid can easily travel to your esophagus when you are lying down. Sit for an hour until your digestive system has finished working. You might also want to elevate the upper portion of your mattress. Trying buying an adjustable bed or use more pillows to elevate the upper part of your body.

Tip 2: Avoid eating minty and spicy foods. Chocolates should be avoided as well. When these foods are digested, they produce more acid.

Tip 3: Eat 5 small meals daily rather than 3 big meals. Your digestive system functions better when eating small meals only. Your stomach has to work harder when digesting big meals.

Tip 4: Avoid drinking alcohol. It tends to make you more acidic.

Herbal Remedies For GERD

Herbal remedies can also help alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Most herbal remedies have been in use since antiquity. You might want to try the following remedies:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Cider vinegar is an extract of ripe apples. There are many health benefits of drinking cider vinegar. The acidity in this vinegar can actually counteract the acidity in your stomach. You should add two tablespoons of this vinegar with one glass of water. Drink it while having your dinner.

2. Fennel Seed

This is often used for numerous digestive problems. This contains Anethole, a compound that can reduce stomach spasms. Try munching on a tablespoon of Fennel seeds after eating your breakfast.

3. Lavender

Lavender has a lot of soothing properties. It can also help calm muscle spasms and prevent reflux of acid. Drink it in tea form before going to sleep.

View the original article here

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